Sunday, March 8, 2009

Eww! School on Sunday.

I am slowly gaining on this blogging site. Since this is a homeschooling blog, I will say that there are not many conventional days in my home when it comes to teaching. We love to be spontaneous. We are planning a trip and even though today is Sunday, my son will be responsible for mapping our trip. We will also plan our fuel cost and all expenses we might incur. We'll start with a projected budget and compare that to what we actually spend. And no, I don't make him do school all of the time. I'm not obsessed. We are actually quite laid back. If we were going to an amusement park, I don't think I would make my son worry about money or school. This is a working vacation, so we will find a balance of work, school, and play.

Scheduling is something that has to be very flexible for us. Opportunities are taken when we find them. We have some daily lessons that are done just about every weekday. These would include, reading, guitar, Spanish, Time4Learning, exercises and writing. The rest will vary with our interests at the time. For example, my son loves an online game that involves horses. To build on that, we are doing a project that will research ten of his favorite horses. He will write and illustrate a book on their strengths, similarities, origin, etc. This will be an ongoing project that will encompass many different skills.


  1. I think it's great the way you see learning opportunites in almost every activity you do with your kids. I'm sure they'll grow up to see learning as a way of life and not as a chore!

  2. I was excited to have a chance to visit your blog today. I enjoyed your header - - especially the font of the text - - very cute! You are starting to consistently write posts, and that is a terrific start. With the next couple posts, you might try to experiment with graphics a bit. See if you can use some of the free graphics sites we mentioned in class, and find a photo or clip art that is related to your post and try to fit it in. Keep up the good work!

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I think I will really enjoy this and am going to try to get some pictures and graphics on my blog.

  4. I enjoyed your blog! What homeschooling family HASN'T counted a bit of swimming as PE class? :) Enjoy!
