Sunday, March 29, 2009


Next week a strange phenomenon will overtake our household. Lives will be forever altered. Okay, it's not the end of the world, but my son is full of angst. We will be without TV and internet for at least four days. Oh! The Horror!

As for me, I'm giggling inside. I little twisted and demented laugh is ready to burst. We have been housebound all winter and have spent way too much time in front of the computer. It's time to do some nature walks and remember why we love Spring. The birds are chirping and the leaves are starting to bud. We feel just like all the animals scurrying around us. You can feel it and smell it in the air.

So go wireless, get unplugged! I dare you! Your family might revolt, but the world will not stop spinning. Walk the neighborhood and pick up trash. Clean out the kids' toys. Have a picnic. Bring out the


  1. Oh boy!
    I've got a secret to share with you.....we don't "get" television. Oh, we have one, but we get no signal, no cable, no satellite. Just DVD's we borrow from the library and DVD's and VHS's (remember those?) that we own. In fact, you've inspired me to blog about it... heh, heh, heh.....

  2. But, but, but, how will you survive without the blog writing course???!!! ;)

  3. Of course, I am sneaking a little internet now and then. We pull into the parking lot of the local diner(Wi-Fi spot) and check e-mails from our I-Touch. Just enough to reassure us that the world is still spinning. Don't tell anyone!

  4. I have twise spent most of a year with no TV connected to cable. In one case, we literally had no TV although we did sometimes watch DVDs on a computer.

    I try to make sure that we have a few weeks in the summer in which we are sometimes with no connectivity.

    I also am getting increasingly angry with my daughter texting while I drive her around.

    Hurrah for you.

  5. Good for you. Going without TV long-term might stunt pop culture knowledge, but little else.

    I echo your demented little laugh, but admit that I haven't pulled the plug on mine myself -- I think it is already too late.

    Have fun enjoying the fresh air and real books under a tree. :)

  6. Hmmm...I don't think I can do it! I'm sure I would start shaking, then crying, then screaming and finally someone would give me my laptop, turn on the TV and pass me the iPod!! But since our school is promoting "NO Screen Week" next week, I will try it! Maybe I'll offer to do a family game night one evening!

  7. Thank you all for the great comments. We actually survived one week with no cable, internet, or I-Touches. I didn't hear half as much complaining as I thought I would. I might even do it again (GASP!) on purpose.
